Paulina Kajzer-Cebula
Last Update 17 dagen geleden
How To Access Messages?
To access Messages in Zendo, select the Messages tab from the left sidebar.
How To Send & Reply To Messages And Notes
To send a message:
2. Type in your message in the Reply tab and select the paper plane icon in the bottom right to send it.
You can also:
- Reply to a message by hovering over the message you want to reply to, selecting the arrow icon in the top right corner of the message, and typing in your text.
- Delete a message by hovering over the message you want to delete, selecting the trash can icon in the top right corner of the message, and selecting the “Remove” button in the new pop-up window.
- Edit a message by hovering over the message you want to edit, selecting the pen icon in the top right corner of the message, editing the message in the new window, and selecting the “Save Changes” button to confirm.
To send a note:
2. Type in your message in the Note tab and select the paper plane icon in the bottom right to send it.
You can also:
- Delete a note by hovering over the note you want to delete, selecting the trash can icon in the top right corner of the note, selecting the “Remove” button in the new pop-up window.
- Edit a note by hovering over the note you want to edit, selecting the pen icon in the top right corner of the note, editing the note in the new window, and selecting the “Save Changes” button to confirm.
Switch to the Notes tab at the top of the chat window to view all the notes.
How To Send Messages To Many Clients?
Use the broadcast feature to send a message to many clients at once:
2. In the new pop-up window, choose whether you want to message all your clients, or only selected ones by toggling a button,
3. If selected clients: choose them from the drop-down menu or enter their names manually, separating them by clicking “Enter” button,
4. Write your message and attach any necessary files,
5. Tick the box at the bottom to highlight the message,
6. Select the “Send announcement” button.
The broadcast message will appear in each selected client’s conversation, and while you can delete or edit it per client, once it’s sent, it’s permanent — you’ll need to manually delete it from every conversation if necessary.
How To Add Chat Participants?
Only Managers, Admins and Owners can add chat participants.
To add new participants to the chat:
2. Select the +Add Participants button,
3. In the new pop-up window, enter the participant’s name (or names) and confirm.
Mention a user who isn’t currently assigned to the chat to automatically invite them to the chat conversation by typing “@” in your message.
The number of participants in a chat is unlimited.
How To Remove Chat Participants?
To remove participants from the chat:
2. Select the three vertical dots icon next to the participant’s name,
3. Confirm the action by clicking the “Remove from the chat” button.
How To Upload A File?
1. Drag and drop your file(s) into the uploaded field, or
2. Select the Attachment icon to manually select files.
After selecting the files, select the "Open" button in the bottom right corner of the pop-up window.
Access uploaded files by selecting the Files tab at the top of the chat window.
Read this article to learn more about Files,